As soon as a visitor clicks on your site link, they are led to the homepage that ultimately decides whether they choose to interact with your site. 

Get the first impression of your website right, with effective homepage design tips from the Best web development company in Chennai

Clear communication of purpose

The home page must communicate with clarity the what, why, and how of your website. Using a combination of graphics and copy, convince the user that your site matches their intent. Any queries as to their purpose must be clarified on opening the home page.  

Above the fold CTAs

CTAs convince the user to buy your products or services. The Fold refers to the hypothetical split between what appears on and off the screen. Placing the CTAs above the fold ensures that potential customers are nudged into purchasing without navigating the whole site. 

High-quality graphics

Use high res images and infographics that easily convey the necessary information to the users. Use original product images that set you apart from the competition. The best web development companies know that this is great for being inclusive to people whose first language might be different, and people with cognitive disabilities. 

Mobile optimisation

Over 53% of internet users use mobile browsers. Sites that are easy to view on a mobile screen have high retention and conversion rates. Mobile screens come in different sizes and orientations. Make sure that your home page appears relatively uniform and optimised for them before releasing it for public use. 

Cultivate emotion with colours

The Best web development companies ensure that the home page’s colour theme matches your brand and tone. Every colour has a distinct personality and association. Any mismatch will create an unconscious aversion to the users. Have a set colour theme that remains uniform throughout the site. 

Easy Navigation

Make sure that the home page has links to other pages of the website within 3 clicks. The user should be able to identify how to move through the sites from the home page. Have a cascade menu feature with properly identifiable terms in the target audience’s language. An additional Search Bar feature can provide instant access to other pages, products, and services with the right keywords. 

Directional cues to content

While browsing from different devices users are likely to miss important content, especially when scrolling through. Subtly point out the CTAs and other important information with directional cues. The cues can be as apparent as a glowing arrow or low key like having an image of a person with their eyes trained on the content. They help the user go with the flow of information you want them to go in. 

Optimum use of White space

Make effective use of the White space to design visually pleasing home pages. Create a visual hierarchy that is emphasized by the white space between them. This draws your visitors’ attention to the critical content without distracting them with a cluttered home page. 

Remove the Sidebar

The sidebar was a staple of the first generation websites, a feature that has now become redundant and is just a distraction. Ask your Web design and Development Company to remove the sidebar and you will thank us. 

Add trust seals and certificates

93% of consumers swear that online reviews influenced their purchase. New visitors need assurance that they can trust the website. Trust seals and security certificates reinforce that your website is safe and secure to shop from. 

Choose the right fonts

There are plenty of fonts available online now that are creative and professional. Try to use no more than three distinct fonts that differentiate between headings, the body of the content, and CTAs. Google fonts have many free options that are easy to read and balance the visuals. 

Reduce home page load time

Over 40% of users abandon the site if it takes more than 10 seconds to load. Surveys among browsers reveal that the preferred loading time is 2-3 seconds. Not only is it good for SEO, but it increases the impact of the home page on the viewers. 

Open Designs, the best web Development Company in Chennai offers the most successful web design and development services. We have helped connect numerous global consumers to connect with our client sites, by catering to their unique preferences.


Does dark mode website design really help your business?

Dark Mode website design has been adopted by some of the biggest technology giants out there. Needless to say dark mode is projected as a beneficial aid to the customers who use their tech rather than as a beneficial feature to the service provider. Dark Mode is easy on the user’s eyes, especially in low light or at night. The dark design stretches their battery consumption enabling them to spend longer hours on their phones without having to charge the phone. The design is also aesthetic focussing more on text over a dark background that pops out. The search engine doesn’t have a preference for dark mode over light, but the higher number of users automatically signals the search engine to improve the ranking of the site.

What are the benefits of web designs services?

Web design services help you give a great first impression to your customers. Professionally designed webpages get good customer retention rates. Good web design goes hand in hand with SEO strategies. Search Engines rank sites with good design higher in the results pages. Web design services automatically optimise the website to attract high volume of visitors. This traffic also results in increased conversions. A professionally designed website gives the impression that your site and business are reputed with good credibility. It can subtly boost your conversions. An expert web design service will set you up with a site that projects the personality of your brand perfectly. It sets the right tone of communication that nudges the customers towards the call to action. It enhances the customer experience earning their loyalty.

What are the newest trends in website design?

Website design has come a long way from the basic blue and white theme with black text to colourful, interactive spaces that have become even primary source of income for businesses. Here are the latest trends in web design that will keep you on top of the industry. Parallax Animation: The foreground is designed to move faster than the background creating a 3D visual effect. Neumorphism: Digital embossing with soft backgrounds with overlay elements that have a shadow to lift them off the screen. Dark Mode: Like mobile apps websites too are turning to dark mode to give viewers a comfortable experience. Pastel Colours: Businesses are going with pastel colour themes to give a visually soothing customer experience. Scrolling transformations: The elements on the screen are designed to move and transform with scrolling creating a video like effect.

What is the best way to build your website?

Congratulations on your decision to make a website for your business. Follow these steps for the best way to build a successful website.

  1. Choose a web developer. Find a web developer with experience and knowledge of website design.
  2. Choose an initial web template. Select a suitable template and ask your developer to build and customise on it.
  3. Edit and Review the site. Insert your content, images and graphics in the website. Before launching it, test the site’s performance to work out the kinks.
  4. Create a domain. A domain is the unique address of your site and has to be registered with a domain provider.
  5. Publish your website: Now that your website is designed and done, you are ready to publish it.

What are the most important principles of web design?

By now a lot of businesses have realised the importance of good web design. However there are some important principles that need to be followed to ensure that your website turns out perfect.

  • Ensure the website loads fast, as this reduces website abandonment.
  • Show your intent on every page so customers landing on any page are aware of what your business does.
  • Keep it simple so you don’t distract visitors from their purpose, with too many elements.
  • Make the navigation as easy as possible, with any part of the website accessible in 3 clicks.
  • Maintain the hierarchy in the layout. You don’t want your customers to keep scrolling back up each time they want to refer something.
  • Use simple, attractive and value adding content that can convince visitors into becoming customers.
  • The site must be mobile friendly for customers to access it on the go.

What is the purpose of website design?

Your website is the first impression that an online customer gets of your business. It is important to make a positive impact on your clients. The website design has the potential to convert a random visitor to a customer and boost organic sales. A great web design will keep customers loyal to your brand as they find the platform comfortable and convenient to use. It provides a good UI/UX to your clients and nurtures your leads. Better the website design, more the engagement with it, bringing in more traffic. It improves the accessibility of your website to a wider audience. It has a significant influence on the brand image and it is important that you get professionals to design your website.

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