Take advantage of the Digital innovation and move with times!

Parenting has always been comparable to a tightrope walk, a juggling act if you will. So while on the one hand there will be the usual act of juggling colourful balls in the air (read homework, chores, tamper tantrums), there are other times when the normal juggle turns into a sort of joggling (read peer pressure, fashion fads, competitiveness). For the uninitiated, joggling is a competitive sport that combines juggling with jogging.

Now add to this melee the new challenges thrown up by the digital age and it doesn’t take much to imagine the hodgepodge that is left open for the unwitting parent to deal with.

A fundamental shift

Lets examine some of the paradigm shifts that have taken place in the times and by that effect the way we parent

1. Discipline

A whack or a dressing down! Or sometimes both by the Traditional Parent. Whereas the Cyber New Age Parent understand the child’s psychology, delve into the issue and seek help, online and offline.


2. What the traditional parent did to foster creativity

Sewing, singing, cooking or the arts. What the parents taught, the child learnt.

What’s happening now ?

Say hello to the new teacher- The one in the videogame, on the video or on the app

What the traditional parent did to foster creativity

3. Teaching styles of the traditional parenting

Usually rote learning, taught by either parent, with the parent being regarded as the ultimate fount of knowledge.

What’s happening now ?

Explore the topic, research it a bit more, experience it first-hand if that’s possible and check out what others around the world are doing – Everything online of course!

Teaching styles of the traditional parenting

4. Information and learning style of the traditional Parent  and Child

Parents, parents and their parents taught and learnt by the book. Nothing more, nothing less.

The Cyber New Age Parent & Child turns to-

No prizes for guessing- It’s the World Wide Web. The www is a genie with all the answers

Information and learning style of the traditional Parent and Child

5. Life skills- Taught by the traditional

Personal | Leadership | Social Skills | Stress Management

Life skills taught by technology now-

Life skills or math, money management or social skills – The internet takes care of it all.

Life skills- Taught by the traditional Parent

6. Recreation & entertainment in traditional households

Good old picnics with aunts and uncles in town, the occasional movie coupled with an eat out.

What’s happening now ? 

A ride on the escalator in the mall; Fast food delivered in under 30 minutes; Playing a videogame together and chatting up on a social platform.

Recreation & entertainment in traditional households

7. Shopping in the yesteryear

Usually meant mom dad brother sister grandpa and grandma would usually go store to store together and give a thumbs up together or a thumbs down together.

How the Cyber Family shops now-

Mom likes shopping on one site and dad likes another. The siblings- they have their fav shopping sites too!

Shopping in the yesteryear

And that’s still probably just the tip of the iceberg, we’ve not even begun to mention the way technology has changed the way we eat (online food delivery portals), travel (apps to order a cab from the doorstep), socialise (no prizes for guessing- Facebook, Twitter and so forth), even seek medical advice (gazillion medicine based forums and groups). Let’s just say technology has permeated everything, even the very air we breathe.

star-512 Nearly 95 per cent of 8 to 11 year olds had accessed the internet ‘in the last four weeks’, with almost all having accessed the internet at some point in their lives.

star-512 While the majority in this age group accesses the internet at home, increasing numbers are using technology at school and at a friends’ house, away from direct parental supervision.

star-512 Children in the age group of 3- 11 use multiple internet-enabled devices such as computers, laptops and handheld mobile devices such as iPads and iPods and game consoles (Nintendo DS, PlayStation Portables, PlayStations)

As a parent, there are two ways of looking at it, one – shunning the use of gadgets and technology and pretending that the kids are best left isolated from them or two- embracing it and using it to your advantage so that you harness the powers of technology positively and go on to make it a healthy and positive part of your family life.

The answer seems pretty obvious, isn’t it?


It may seem like technology and gadgetry is a double edged-sword that no one can actually live with or without! Our two pence — allow for technology to build a bridge and connect you with all that is positive, good and constructive for you and your kids. And if you’re still worried about the downside, well, there’s a lot of help on the internet on that too. In fact, we delve a little deeper in this subject in our forthcoming features, catch up with us on our social feeds or drop in a line here

Here’s to more power to you our dear Cyber Parent! Happy Parenting!


Does dark mode website design really help your business?

Dark Mode website design has been adopted by some of the biggest technology giants out there. Needless to say dark mode is projected as a beneficial aid to the customers who use their tech rather than as a beneficial feature to the service provider. Dark Mode is easy on the user’s eyes, especially in low light or at night. The dark design stretches their battery consumption enabling them to spend longer hours on their phones without having to charge the phone. The design is also aesthetic focussing more on text over a dark background that pops out. The search engine doesn’t have a preference for dark mode over light, but the higher number of users automatically signals the search engine to improve the ranking of the site.

What are the newest trends in website design?

Website design has come a long way from the basic blue and white theme with black text to colourful, interactive spaces that have become even primary source of income for businesses. Here are the latest trends in web design that will keep you on top of the industry. Parallax Animation: The foreground is designed to move faster than the background creating a 3D visual effect. Neumorphism: Digital embossing with soft backgrounds with overlay elements that have a shadow to lift them off the screen. Dark Mode: Like mobile apps websites too are turning to dark mode to give viewers a comfortable experience. Pastel Colours: Businesses are going with pastel colour themes to give a visually soothing customer experience. Scrolling transformations: The elements on the screen are designed to move and transform with scrolling creating a video like effect.

What is the best way to build your website?

Congratulations on your decision to make a website for your business. Follow these steps for the best way to build a successful website.

  1. Choose a web developer. Find a web developer with experience and knowledge of website design.
  2. Choose an initial web template. Select a suitable template and ask your developer to build and customise on it.
  3. Edit and Review the site. Insert your content, images and graphics in the website. Before launching it, test the site’s performance to work out the kinks.
  4. Create a domain. A domain is the unique address of your site and has to be registered with a domain provider.
  5. Publish your website: Now that your website is designed and done, you are ready to publish it.

What is the difference between website design and website development?

When searching for a web developer, it is important for you as a client to know the difference between website design and website development. The difference is quite distinct but a web developer is capable of doing both if they are skilled enough. Web design is the initial ideation and planning of a website’s layout, appearance and content. Web development is the actual process of developing code for creating the site and its subsequent maintenance. Web design is about creativity, while web development is completely technical. You need to engage the services of web developers who can help you with both, as they know how to recreate your brand personality on the website.

Why Digital marketing is important for marketing?

Digital Marketing has become an essential part of today’s business world. It has become so competitive that traditional marketing methods are no longer as effective as before. Digital marketing can improve your conversion rate, boost traffic to the site, keep your customers engaged, helps you understand the market and customers with valuable insights, increases your reputation, and is generally cost effective. Most of your online customers are using their mobile phones to access your site. Digital marketing helps make your business more accessible to mobile users, who make up nearly 60% of the clientele. It makes the entire customer journey more interactive and memorable, bringing you loyal customers, who come just for a good user experience. Digital marketing can also be automated, freeing you from the hassle of keeping track of the campaigns.

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