When voice search saw the light of the day, people did not think much of it. In fact, no one expected it to have such a great impact in the search industry. Now that people have discovered the ease of using voice search, one simply cannot get enough of it.

Initially, voice search began with smartphones and swiftly moved on to smart speakers and voice assistants. Currently, we are experiencing what can be said as a revolution in the world of voice search.

Let’s take a look at the numbers in terms of voice search assistants or digital voice assistants from various parts of the world

According to the best SEO services, there is a phenomenal increase in voice search and it is crucial to have content that provides adequate backup to optimise it. Without proper content, we will soon find ourselves in a disadvantageous position and fail to get the much-required traction. Since the competition to show up on the search engine is fierce, we only have a tougher time lying ahead of us.

With today’s blog, we will try to gain a clear understanding of voice search and various ways to optimise voice search to pull up the rank of your site.

What is voice search?

Voice search is nothing but a dialogue system that has been undergoing improvements and advancements.

What is meant by the term dialogue system?

When a computer setup is meant to exchange dialogue with human beings, it is called a dialogue system. A dialogue system uses various modes of communication namely text, speech and gestures as both input and output signals.

However, you need to keep in mind that every dialogue system has its preferred component, there is a dialogue manager for each one of them. Each dialogue manager has the job of analysing the semantics and managing the strategy of dialogues.

According to the best SEO services, Automatic speech recognition, also known as ASR, is an important aspect of voice search which is used to feed input signals to the devices which have voice search installed in them. Some advanced devices also have text-to-speech or TTS installed for better results.

Nowadays most voice search devices do not require separate activation of their virtual assistants prior to the initiation of a voice search. Once the device has input, the system works to detect the language of the query along with the keywords and answers it promptly. Depending on the device used, the voice search may display the result on screen or answer the searcher. The popularity and demand of the voice search are largely based on the conversational style of any voice search.

Why Is Voice Search’s Popularity Increasing Every Day?

Let’s answer this question with a practical example. Imagine you are baking cookies in your kitchen and you are not quite sure about the number of eggs needed in the recipe which is saved in your smartphone. Now touching your smartphone with your batter-coated hands is not a great solution.

So what can you do? Ask your voice assistant to repeat the recipe and you can go about your baking without any interruption.

The above example as stated by SEO Services Company is one among the uncountable occasions where a voice assistant can save the day.

Difference between Traditional Search and Voice Search

Voice search query is not the same as query typed out on a laptop or desktop. Let’s see some more reasons that say why voice search is different.

Keywords of Voice Search are Longer and Conversational

According to best SEO services, the bigger difference between typed searches and voice search lies in the conversational style used in voice search. While conversing with a smart device, we tend to ask questions in full sentences and not a handful of keywords. The length of keywords is also significantly longer when it comes to voice searches.

Local Listing Gets More Importance for Voice Search

“Near me” searches are most popular for people when they need information about time and things.

Voice Search Results Yield Quick and Precise Results

The results we see from voice searches are heavily based on featured snippets we can find in traditional searches. Google is mostly reliant on knowledge graphs and snippets for answering our voice queries.

Keyword research applied for voice search

A few points to remember when looking for keywords for voice search:

  •  SEO agencies in Chennai agree that the target should be on question keywords. Hence “how, what, why and where” as question words must be included.
  •  When using voice search, using long-tail keywords for completing a question is crucial for keyword optimization.
  •  “I, the, of the, on the, for” or filler words must be a part of questions since it makes the query more conversational.

 SEO Strategies That Can Optimise Your Content Voice Search

We have curated some tips and strategies that are proven to optimise and boost your voice search:

  • Make use of knowledge graph: knowledge graph is the storehouse of Google’s knowledge base- it stores all kinds of information about people, places, and things.
  • Using knowledge panel: knowledge panel contains all the information in a small box which is visible every time we look for a business on the knowledge graph.
  • Use featured snippets: featured snippets are derived from third-party sources and this information is displayed right on top of organic results, above the ads where the source is mentioned. Featured snippets are useful for providing concise answers to people.
  • Sprucing up your content: since voice search is very much like a conversation, you need to analyse your content as well as its structure. With your content, you will be attempting to reach certain goals like having succinct Q&A and voice-friendliness. Remember that Google wants short and crisp answers that are typical of 29 words in length. 

Voice search has already gained a lot of popularity which is only predicted to increase with time. With the constant change in consumer behaviour, marketing trends too must undergo certain changes if you want to meet expectations and hold on to your consumers. 


How long does it take to create a responsive website?

To get started, a typical website will take 14 weeks from minimum from inception to the delivery stage. It could take much longer depending on your requirements. Discuss with your website development team to get an idea about the delivery date. Actively research the market and the best service provider to get it done professionally. Website development is one of the crucial aspects of your business on which you shouldn’t compromise. Ensure that you get regular updates from your development team to make sure everything is executed as per the schedule. There are chances that conflicts might arise which may compromise the overall development process, you should be prepared to tackle the situation and get things done in a smooth manner.

What are breadcrumbs?

Breadcrumbs are nothing but a secondary navigation system that can be used to learn about the user’s location on a particular website. Visitors can get a better idea about the webpage if they have an overview of the hierarchy on the website. They serve as an effective visual aid that represents the location of a user within the website. It is not a complex mechanism on websites and will up only a line on your website. One of the main advantages of breadcrumbs is that they do not have any negative impact on your website in terms of content overload. If you have a large number of web pages piled up on your site, you must incorporate breadcrumbs into your site.

What is Google sandbox in SEO?

Google Sandbox is a common term that is used to explain the lower rankings of new websites in the Google search results. The function of Google sandbox is to provide results that are highly relevant to the users. Filtering out new websites and constantly monitoring them helps the search engine to provide relevant results. Moreover, it is difficult to say how long a website will be inside the sandbox as it primarily depends on the types of keywords it will be competing against. If your website has high-quality and relevant content, then the Google sandbox shouldn’t be a huge problem for you. The ultimate aim should be to optimize the website to stand out from the crowd.

What are accelerated mobile pages?

Accelerated Mobile Pages is an open-source project that is designed to optimize faster mobile pages. To break it down into simpler terms, it is making a page loading faster that is already optimized to be mobile-friendly. You have to use a streamlined version of CSS if you are opting for accelerated mobile pages. The website must be validated properly on a regular basis to ensure that they work properly. If you are looking to offer a better user experience, incorporate custom fonts into it and declare the proper height & weight of the page to avoid quirky-loading images. Accelerated mobile pages can significantly reduce the overall bounce rate on your website and improve conversion rates for your business.

What is SEO in marketing?

SEO marketing is the process of increasing both the quality and quantity of website traffic. All this results in increasing the exposure of the business to the right target audience. SEO is that one marketing tool that holds the potential to pay dividends over time continuously. If you have content that is strong and has every reason to rank at the top, you need not invest in other marketing tools and techniques to increase the visibility of your website. It is because of this that SEO marketing plays a pivotal role in growing your business. Therefore, optimizing your site in a manner that shows up within the top search results is critical.

Why is website development important?

How good your website is has a lot to do with the business you generate at the end of the day. Here is why website development is important.

  • The first impression of your business is the website. If your website is outdated, the impression of the business left behind is definitely not what you’d want.
  • By looking at how well the website is developed, the customers get a fair idea of how they would be treated by the business. If the website is not worked upon well, they tend to believe that the business won’t take efforts in catering to the requirements of the customers as well.
  • A well-designed website enables the audience to build trust with the business.
  • A poorly designed website has an adverse impact on Search Engine Optimization (SEO).

What makes a good website in 2022?

In order to make it into the list of good websites, there are a couple of things that one needs to take note of.

  • A good website doesn’t take much time to load.
  • A website that is trustworthy – both in terms of content as well as technicalities is the most sought after.
  • The website should be free of bugs.
  • Make sure that your website caters to a specific goal/objective.
  • For a website to reach out to the maximum, it is important to understand the target audience in-depth, right from what they need to what other websites do they use.
  • Making use of the right words, font and style always help.

What is the best SEO tool in 2022?

There is no specific best SEO tool, but here is a list of SEO tools that all the experts are using in 2022.

  • Ahrefs – SEO keyword tool
  • Google Search Console
  • SEMRush – Marketing tools for SEO
  • KWFinder – SEO keyword tool
  • MOZ Pro – Complete SEO software
  • Ubersuggest – Keyword Tracking tool
  • Answer the Public – Keyword association tool
  • Woorank – SEO Ranking Tool
  • Majestic – Marketing tool for SEO
  • Google Trends – SEO trends checking tool
  • SEO Quake – Free SEO audit tool
  • Siteliner – SEO analytics tool
  • Fat Rank – SEO ranking tool
  • Screaming Frog – SEO audit and insights tool
  • Serpstat – One stop SEO platform
Although there are tools available in plenty, you will need SEO experts to use them effectively. Get yourself a Digital Marketer that can provide custom solutions to your SEO needs.

How can I increase the traffic on my website?

There are several ways to increase and divert traffic to your website. Listed are a few that you might be interested in.

  • Invest in some paid advertising that will guarantee you results.
  • Open Social Media accounts and post attractive content regularly.
  • Use attractive titles that make browsers want to open the link.
  • Review and up your on page SEO game.
  • Target long tail keywords with colloquialisms for each customer location.
  • Indulge in some guest blogging that will build external links
  • Strengthen internal linking to subtly encourage more customer interaction.
  • Make your site responsive to be accessible on all devices.
  • Improve site loading speed to reduce abandonments.
  • If you are an E-Commerce site, post clear and attractive product images.

What are the new SEO trends of 2021?

SEO is one of the most effective and inexpensive ways to boost traffic to your site. It can open the gateway to new customer pools, even on a global scale. The top SEO trends of 2021 are,

  • Core web vitals : Loading, Interactivity and Visual Stability
  • Google’s BERT: Using Machine learning and natural language processing for intent matching.
  • Keyword research: To identify high ranking keywords.
  • Original content: Value adding content that attracts traffic organically.
  • Voice search: Voice activated searches that include colloquialisms in global languages.
  • Artificial intelligence: Using AI to personalise the customer journey.
  • Video marketing: For visitors to better relate to the brand with audio visual stimulation.
  • Featured snippets: Elevate reputation of the business with features snippets on Google.
  • Influencer SEO: Partner with social media influencers to get their following as customers.
  • EAT & Branded SEO: Build expertise, authority and trust by building brand awareness.

Why every business needs SEO?

For anyone who wants to implement digital marketing for their business, Search Engine Optimisation or SEO as it is commonly known should be the first priority. It is more than the misconception of just adding keywords to your content. When done right, SEO can do the following for you.

  • Send quality traffic your way.
  • Boost the business reputation
  • Get results with inexpensive methods
  • Increases customer engagement with the site
  • Help you understand your customers
  • Help you beat the competition
  • Continuously evaluate and boost performance of the site
SEO is important regardless of whether your company is old or new, successful or struggling, or going through a much needed brand makeover. SEO is an organic and agile process and can be implemented at any stage.

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