“The Journey of a thousand miles begins with one step”.

The Year 2017 is the Year to embrace customer experiences. Doing more of what doesn’t work won’t make it work any better. Local Businesses and Startups are competing for Customers, Clients more today than ever before.

“A Brand is no longer about what we tell the consumer it is – it is what consumers tell each other it is”.
                                                                                                                                                          -Scott Cook

Social media is currently one of the best ways to promote your business. Here’s the state of the internet statistics as of December,’ 2016!

  • Facebook: 1.79 Billion monthly active users worldwide
  • Twitter: 317 Million monthly active users worldwide
  • LinkedIn: 467 Million monthly active users worldwide
  • Instagram: 500 Million monthly active users worldwide

These marketing channels concentrate on creating content that is attractive to the readers thus encouraging them to share it with their social networks.

Social media enhances interaction with your Customers-

At the heart of social media are human interactions. Regular interaction with your customers and clients on social media creates strong bonds. This makes potential customers trust your company since you can communicate with them and respond to their questions.

Conversation is better than promotion-

People on social media tend to be attracted to posts that are conversational. The Pareto principle can be applied here, where you dedicate 80 percent of the posts on your pages to helpful valuable content that will lead to deeper engagement with your customers, while the other 20 percent should be on promotion of your products and services.

Online reputation is important-


Customer reviews and social engagement are major contributors to making initial decisions about purchasing that commodity. Your customers expect fast response times, 24/7 support and the companies that deliver wins out.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)–



The best SEO strategyadvice thatwe could give is to make sure your website is producing content that is helpful and solves your audience’s pain point. Content is the heart of the entire internet architecture. SEO boils down to the content that you create on your website. If a user finds a business location on mobile, 50% of them will visit within 24 hours of searching. A renewed focus on local SEO tactics, incorporating Google Plus Local and Google maps will be critical for location based marketers this year.

Content Marketing-



Successful content marketing is the only form of marketing that appreciates in value over time without further investment or effort. Content when done correctly, can be a powerful sales strategy for companies. Social media continues to dominate as the number one way to promote content.

Investing in content talent, is a trend that is expected to grow this year!

The goal for your content marketing efforts should be to create content that helps your customers and prospects. Content marketing backed by principles will lead to positive digital marketing coverage online.

Video Marketing-

video marketing

Did you know that YouTube gets over 5 billion daily views and is the world’s 3rd most visited website? In future, video marketing will account for 69% of the consumer traffic. Educational and Inspirational videos tend to perform best on YouTube. The best approach to video is to approach your video content that would educate your potential customer and help them achieve their goal.

Mobile Marketing-


Mobile gives business owners the ability to connect with their audience and as a result, allows marketers to generate insightful analytics based on the customer interactions.

Analytics to measure your success-

The beauty of digital marketing is its ability to be measured. As Peter Drucker says, “What gets measured, gets managed”. Proper metrics will give insight in to the returns on your investments and help you make decisions.

Few Takeaways-

    • Never stop Learning; keep up with the Digital world
    • Mobile – A must for every business; Mobile user experiences are set to dominate 2017
    • Mobile search and Mobile optimization should be at the top of digital marketing
    • Expect to see huge growth in the Mobile App development space in 2017
    • Quality content going to be the most effective Digital marketing strategy this year.
    • Twitter, YouTube and Facebook are going to be huge players this year.


Make this year the most successful one for your Business. Challenge yourself to seek out the opportunity to try something new and exciting for your Brand. Make sure your 2017 plan includes a thoroughly cross- trained team already immersed and to employ an experienced outside digital partner to go with the trends that shape our future.

Happy Digital Marketing!


What are the types of search engine marketing?

Search Engine Marketing can be categorized into three types. They are Search Engine Optimization (SEO), Search Engine Advertising (SEA), and paid submission. SEO can help with boosting the rankings of web pages on the search results and gain more visibility on the internet. Search engine advertising is nothing but advertising in the Google search results. The advertisements on Google results appear on the top and bottom of the page and are labeled as ads. Paid submission is nothing but the method of listing the information of a company to paid online directories for increasing the company’s online visibility and SEO ranking.

Difference between SEO & SEM:

The primary difference between Search Engine Marketing (SEM) and Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is that SEO is focused on optimizing a website to increase the traffic from organic results. Whereas, SEM is based on getting traffic from both organic and paid searches. SEO is a long shot as it demands continuous optimization to rank in the top results. On-page SEO is a crucial part of it as it involves optimizing a website with keywords that are being used by potential customers. Whereas, the concept of SEM is relatively simple. If someone searches for a keyword, your website will show up and you need to bid alongside others to get the spot.

How does search engine marketing work?

Search engine marketing is nothing but using strategies to increase visibility in the search engine results. On every Google search, the top and bottom two results are allocated for paid search results. Companies will pay the search engine for their pages to appear on the top of search results. It can be an easy way to increase the overall traffic on a website and boost their revenue. However, one cannot easily get featured in advertisements and get clicked by every user. They should select target keywords properly so that the advertisement will not be visible to customers who don’t require a particular service.

What is the importance of search engine marketing?

Search engine marketing is very important to all businesses, irrespective of their sizes. It is an effective way to increase your online presence and establish brand awareness in the market. By providing informational content for customers, business owners will be able to generate a huge amount of online leads and generate more sales. However, search engine optimization can also help with generating organic leads so that companies need not have to invest a lot in advertisements and paid promotions. It is a great way to credibility and establishes an emotional connection with the audience which will be extremely difficult with traditional marketing methodologies.

What does search engine marketing mean?

Search Engine Marketing is one of the effective ways to grow your business in the digital world. As the competition in the market keeps growing, it has become important for businesses to advertise online to get more traction, and search engine marketing can be the most effective way to promote the products/services. By appearing on the top of search results, businesses will be able to increase the overall traffic on their website and ultimately boost their revenue. Search engine marketing provides opportunities for businesses to reach out to motivated buyers and it can be a powerful way to grow a business.

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