Although there are several eCommerce stores around the world, marketing experts say that the potential of selling products/services has a long way to go. Even if you have a lower cost of acquisition, every traffic driving activity will work effectively for you. 

If you are just getting started, you must have a solid content foundation on your website to improve customer lifetime value. Let’s get started with the basics.

How important is content marketing for a brand?

Content marketing is nothing but creating content in various forms such as text, audio, gifs, video, etc, and applying marketing strategies to it. By sharing content with target audiences, you will be able to achieve the goal of generating more leads. You can also share written articles, tutorial videos, infographics, etc., to build your brand effectively and drive more traffic to your website. 

The importance of content marketing is fairly common knowledge in the current market and the competition has increased. Almost every blogger and agency that provides content marketing services have tons of content on their website. As every search result on Google throws billions of results at you, the competition is relatively high when it comes to online marketing. 

The biggest challenge faced by every content creator is consistency. Jumping ahead of the bandwagon and punching in tons of content during the early stage and fading out eventually will not work when it comes to online marketing, especially in the eCommerce sector. Identifying the most pressing questions and work on creating transformational content will help with overcoming challenges and hurdles. 

You can also try different tactics to learn exactly what your target audience needs. This strategy can pay off very well in the long run once you have captured a significant amount of customers. The data can be extremely useful in prioritizing your user-centric features in the long run. Discuss with a content marketing agency to get started with product-based marketing.

One of the most important aspects of an eCommerce content strategy plan is to research your competitors. Analyze their strategies and identify the ways in which they outperform your brand. However, you cannot sustain yourself in the market for a long time without learning the basic things about marketing.

Why are social media platforms considered an unexplored goldmine?

An expert marketer will devise strategies for a brand based on the type of audience. Almost everyone in the world has started to spend a significant amount of their time on social media platforms. You must spend hours on social media to learn about its uses and the type of users.

For instance, when it comes to Instagram it is a complete visual media platform as one cannot upload a post without attaching a photo or video. Since you are running an eCommerce store, Instagram would be the best place to show off your products. On the other hand, Twitter functions differently. You need to devise separate content marketing strategies for Twitter as it is a text-driven platform. Twitter also has a character limit for every tweet and so you must be precise in writing descriptions for your products. 

Facebook is comparatively an older platform but has undergone several transformations over the years. Every major update brings something new and useful to businesses. It has the largest number of users compared to any other platform. You can easily gain a loyal customer base and get real-time feedback from Facebook Live sessions. 

How effective is Guest Blogging in 2021?

Guest Blogging has not lost its way in 2021 and it is still a great way to get tons of traffic. As Google’s search algorithm is evolving to focus on enhancing the user experience, business owners should also optimize their websites accordingly. Agencies that provide top-notch content marketing services will be able to assist in pulling off that massive feat. 

One of the major advantages of performing guest blogging is the amount of targeted referral traffic one can get from it. By incorporating rich content on major and heavy-hitting websites, you will be able to get tons of traffic which are highly valuable and should not be overlooked. Make sure that you hire a professional agency that provides the best content marketing strategies to get expected results. 

If you are still stuck at devising a content marketing strategy for your brand, here expert-curated tips from our side to help you get started:

1. You can kickstart your campaign by picking up one form of content:

If you are just getting started, we do not recommend diving into every type of content. The quickest way to get started is to focus on creating one type of content. Eventually, you can start trying out other types of content and pick the one that works the best for you. You should pick the right type based on your product, service, niche market, reception, and type of customers. 

2. Create a product guide for customers:

No matter how unique or simple your products are, people will still need a product guide. You can choose to create photo or video guides based on the type of your business. By giving details like how to use, assemble, or fix products, you will be able to establish a strong connection with your target audience. It will help them move to the ready-to-buy phase. Each one of your content marketing strategies should be focused on building trust and funneling customers to purchase products. 

3. Create videos that are likely to go viral:

Going viral on social media platforms is a great way to get people’s attention. You can easily get people talking about you and it can be a marketing tactic for your brand. You need not have to spend a single dime on it. All you have to do is keep track of the current trends and create trends accordingly. If you truly create content that has the potential to go viral, then you can sit back and watch your efforts bring fruitful results. 

4. Answer FAQs:

Even though you might have an active customer service team that responds to calls within seconds, most people will not prefer to go further. People need instant answers and incorporating FAQs can be a great way to get it done. If you are offering a product/service, you must analyze it completely and frame questions based on it. Even though you have thousands of products on your eCommerce platform, you must frame questions for each product. 

Here are some of the common FAQs that can be found on almost every eCommerce website.

  • Do you deliver to my location?
  • How much does the shipping cost?
  • What is the return period?
  • How safe is the shipping?
  • Will I get a refund?
  • Can I get the product faster?


Establishing your brand in the current market is not an easy task as it takes consistent effort for a long time. Ensure that you have well-devised content marketing strategies to stand out from the competition.


Is Digital marketing the future?

Digital marketing is one of the ways in which you can boost the business sales like never before. Having said that, considering how reliant everyone has become on digital marketing, it is all set to rule the future. Here is why –

  • The extent to which people these days are using the internet throws light on how increased internet usage would be in the days to come.
  • Digital marketing is an excellent way of building brand awareness among people.
  • All the digital marketing strategies put forth by the companies can be monitored as well. The expectation vs. reality picture becomes way clearer now. This further helps in opening up doors for improvement, if any.

Is digital branding the same as digital marketing?

No. Digital Marketing and Digital Branding are different from each other. Digital Marketing focusses on promoting a particular product or service, highlighting its benefits and how useful it would be to the consumers. Digital branding on the other hand is much more subtle and highlights the personality of the company or brand as a whole. Products and services will come and go. Digital marketing strategies will change to suit the seasonal needs or are tailor made for the product in question. However Digital branding is like a long tern digital marketing strategy to bolster the reputation of the company. It communicates what are the core values of the company and what they do to upkeep those values to give the best customer experience.

Why Digital marketing is important for marketing?

Digital Marketing has become an essential part of today’s business world. It has become so competitive that traditional marketing methods are no longer as effective as before. Digital marketing can improve your conversion rate, boost traffic to the site, keep your customers engaged, helps you understand the market and customers with valuable insights, increases your reputation, and is generally cost effective. Most of your online customers are using their mobile phones to access your site. Digital marketing helps make your business more accessible to mobile users, who make up nearly 60% of the clientele. It makes the entire customer journey more interactive and memorable, bringing you loyal customers, who come just for a good user experience. Digital marketing can also be automated, freeing you from the hassle of keeping track of the campaigns.

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